Foodbank NSW & ACT Annual Review FY22-23

As an organisation that exists to fight hunger in Australia, we see firsthand the impact the rising cost of living is having on our communities. Last year, 3.7 million households went hungry in Australia, and over 1.2 million of those households were from NSW and ACT communities. That’s an increase of more than 10% on the previous year.

In that time, we’ve seen demand for food increase by as much as 40%. Thankfully, with generous support from the community, we have made significant progress across our key mission areas, stepping up to the plate to feed more Aussies in need.

At Foodbank NSW & ACT, the biggest challenges we face in meeting increasing demand are distance, stigma and food waste.

Last year, we continued to grow our daily operations, sourcing and providing groceries to our vast and growing network of community partners.

We recognise that there is still a stigma associated with accessing food support, despite our services being more widely available than ever before. By working closely with our community partners, we make sure that families doing it tough can access the food and groceries they need without compromising their dignity.

Finally, as the largest and most trusted food relief organisation in the state and territory, we recognise the important role we play in reducing food waste. By doing so, we ensure that more meals reach the tables of hungry families.

It is our incredible volunteers, donors and community partners who make all this possible. Thanks to you, we can deliver vital food to more families no matter who they are, where they live, or what they need.

blue swirling arrow ceo

John Robertson

Chief Executive Officer
Foodbank NSW & ACT

Because of your support

fresh produce in crates people icon


community partners

received food to distribute to families in need across NSW and the ACT

mother walking towards house holding child in arms people icon

20 million+


were provided through our community partner network

three children sitting on doorstep of suburban house people icon



were supported through our School Breakfast 4 Health program

people distributing food people icon



of fresh fruit, vegetables, bread and produce were distributed through our Pop-Up program

man holding box of food people icon



weighing 630,000 kgs were distributed to families in need throughout the year

Supporting our community

Thanks to you, we are supporting our community in need across NSW and the ACT.

Our volunteers

Our team of volunteers continue to be the key ingredient in providing food support to families in need.

volunteers Learn more about our volunteers

Reducing waste

There is enough food produced in the world to feed everyone but the sad reality is that millions of people are still going hungry every day.